I realised today that although I’ve posted some pictures on instagram, and even on facebook, I haven’t put any photos or updates up here on the Troublemakers. Which is the name all kittens get when they reach about 8 or 9 weeks old, and which lasts until they’re at least 6 months old.
Fleetwood, Florence (Neko), Ferdinand (Artemis) and Fermi are definitely trouble. Adorable trouble, but still trouble. Climbing on the kitchen counter and the table to test boundaries, digging in the pot plants for rocks ot play with (toys are not as exciting as rocks you’re not supposed to have), trying to open the cupboards (Hah! we have toddler-locks on them so that the cats can’t get in), and generally dashing up and down the house at 4am trouble. I’ll miss them when they go to their new homes.